How do essay reviews work?

Work with an independent advisor to write an essay that resonates with college admissions officers.

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    Find an advisor and upload your essay

    Search through our collection of essays and find an advisor that matches your criteria. Then upload your essay, request a review, and wait for confirmation that your request has been accepted.
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    Submit payment to your advisor

    After you receive a confirmation, you can submit payment directly to your advisor through PayPal or Venmo. Prices start at $15 to review a 350-word essay and $25 for a 650-word essay.
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    Get detailed feedback on your essay

    Your advisor will 1) suggest inline edits related to spelling, grammar, and language, 2) add comments in the margin about how specific sentences or paragraphs can be improved, and 3) provide overall feedback on essay content, structure, flow, etc.
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    Receive a link to see the feedback

    After your advisor has finished their review, we will send you an email with a link to a Google doc that has your essay along with the feedback from your advisor.

Please email us if you have any questions. We're happy to help!