Lexi R

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The George Washington University
Psychology 2022 — Present .edu verified

Second year transfer student at The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. studying psychology. Spent my freshman year at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor and originally from the San Francisco Peninsula, CA.

Essay that got me into

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

With over 175 clubs, teams, and student groups at my high school, the opportunities are vast. Unfortunately, among the 570 freshmen that enroll each fall, many are unaware of the extracurriculars, have difficulty navigating the choices, and struggle to get involved.

Frustrated in watching so many channels for connection go to waste, I quite literally championed a new idea-- CHAMP, the Carlmont High Adjustment Mentor Program, a new way for freshmen to pursue their passions and find purpose through participation.

Beyond a typical buddy program, I envisioned personal "concierge" mentors, helping to customize their mentees' high school journey. I started by creating the curriculum, then developed a marketing campaign, mentor trainings, and group bonding events. And after creating an 81-question survey, I reviewed the expressed interests and hand-picked their perfect mentor match.

At the start of senior year, I imagined how CHAMP might improve and endure after I graduate. Simplifying the program structure, I maximized its ethos-- the human element. I solicited feedback, encouraged in-person meetups, created new opportunities for program unity, and adapted the single leadership position into a collaboration between a senior and junior ASB member-- a mentorship pairing in its own right.

CHAMP is my legacy at Carlmont. I used my platform as a dedicated ASB member, Junior Class Vice President, and now Student Body Vice President to foster the true meaning of school spirit: a community of diverse and passionate individuals working together to find purpose through involvement. I am proud to know that over 250 CHAMP students joined in my vision and the program continues to grow.